Are Analysts Bullish Wix.Com Ltd (NASDAQ:WIX) After Last Week?

Out of 11 analysts covering (NASDAQ:WIX), 11 rate it “Buy”, 0 “Sell”, while 0 “Hold”. This means 100% are positive. was the topic in 8 analyst reports since August 6, 2015 according to StockzIntelligence Inc. RBC Capital Markets maintained the stock on February 11 with “Outperform” rating. Below is a list of Wix.Com Ltd (NASDAQ:WIX) latest ratings and price target changes.

11/02/2016 Broker: Deutsche Bank Rating: Old Target: $26.00 New Target: $27.00 Target Up
11/02/2016 Broker: RBC Capital Markets Rating: Outperform Old Target: $36.00 New Target: $35.00 Maintain
24/11/2015 Broker: JMP Securities Rating: Market Outperform New Target: $28.00 Initiate
05/11/2015 Broker: RBC Capital Markets Rating: Outperform Old Target: $30 New Target: $36 Maintain

The stock increased 5.26% or $1.01 during the last trading session, hitting $20.21. About 199,461 shares traded hands. Wix.Com Ltd (NASDAQ:WIX) has declined 29.41% since July 27, 2015 and is downtrending. It has underperformed by 25.09% the S&P500. Ltd. is a Web development platform. The company has a market cap of $779.91 million. The Firm develops and markets an Internet service that allows users to create Web content. It currently has negative earnings. The Firm offers its Web development, design and management solutions and apps through an online platform for businesses, organizations, professionals and individuals.

The institutional sentiment decreased to 1.2 in Q3 2015. Its down 0.54, from 1.74 in 2015Q2. The ratio is negative, as 13 funds sold all Wix.Com Ltd shares owned while 28 reduced positions. 18 funds bought stakes while 31 increased positions. They now own 22.69 million shares or 1.88% less from 23.12 million shares in 2015Q2.

Deer Vii & Co. Ltd. holds 92.42% of its portfolio in Wix.Com Ltd for 5.60 million shares. Westerly Capital Management Llc owns 100,000 shares or 2.09% of their US portfolio. Moreover, Ion Asset Management Ltd. has 1.49% invested in the company for 61,381 shares. The New York-based Steadfast Advisors Lp has invested 0.86% in the stock. Steadfast Capital Management Lp, a New York-based fund reported 2.43 million shares.

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