Alcoa Inc’s Stock Is Buy After Today’s Huge Increase

The stock of Alcoa Inc (NYSE:AA) is a huge mover today! The stock is down 1.61% or $0.15 after the news, hitting $9.18 per share. About 4.59M shares traded hands. Alcoa Inc (NYSE:AA) has declined 3.22% since August 3, 2015 and is downtrending. It has outperformed by 2.45% the S&P500. The move comes after 5 months positive chart setup for the $11.22 billion company. It was reported on Mar, 9 by We have $15.15 PT which if reached, will make NYSE:AA worth $7.29B more.

Analysts await Alcoa Inc (NYSE:AA) to reports earnings on April, 11 after the close. They expect $0.04 earnings per share, down 85.71% or $0.24 from last year’s $0.28 per share. AA’s profit will be $48.89M for 57.38 P/E if the $0.04 EPS becomes reality. After $0.04 actual earnings per share reported by Alcoa Inc for the previous quarter, Wall Street now forecasts 0.00% EPS growth.

Out of 14 analysts covering Alcoa Inc. (NYSE:AA), 8 rate it “Buy”, 1 “Sell”, while 7 “Hold”. This means 50% are positive. Alcoa Inc. was the topic in 21 analyst reports since August 4, 2015 according to StockzIntelligence Inc. Cowen & Co maintained the stock on March 2 with “Market Perform” rating.

According to Zacks Investment Research, “Alcoa Inc. is the world’s leading producer and manager of primary aluminum, fabricated aluminum and alumina facilities, and is active in all major aspects of the industry. Alcoa serves the aerospace, automotive, packaging, building and construction, commercial transportation and industrial markets, bringing design, engineering, production and other capabilities of Alcoa’s businesses to customers. In addition to aluminum products and components, Alcoa also markets consumer brands including Reynolds Wrap foils and plastic wraps, Alcoa wheels, and Baco household wraps. Among its other businesses are closures, fastening systems, precision castings, and electrical distribution systems for cars and trucks.”

The institutional sentiment increased to 1.26 in 2015 Q3. Its up 0.19, from 1.07 in 2015Q2. The ratio increased, as 84 funds sold all Alcoa Inc shares owned while 166 reduced positions. 72 funds bought stakes while 244 increased positions. They now own 871.42 million shares or 11.97% more from 778.25 million shares in 2015Q2.

Oak Hill Capital Management Llc holds 21.59% of its portfolio in Alcoa Inc for 26.09 million shares. Baupost Group Llc Ma owns 52.27 million shares or 8.41% of their US portfolio. Moreover, Washington State Investment Board has 6.09% invested in the company for 397,690 shares. The New York-based D.C. Capital Advisors Ltd has invested 5.34% in the stock. Icm Asset Management Inc Wa, a Washington-based fund reported 279,986 shares.

Since April 13, 2015, the stock had 2 buys, and 0 sales for $85,360 net activity. Sorrell Martin bought 4,435 shares worth $42,109. Tata Ratan bought 4,555 shares worth $43,251. Harvey Roy Christopher bought 57 shares worth $744.

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