After Reaching All-Time High, Is DENTSPLY SIRONA Inc’s Near-Term Analysis Positive?

The stock of DENTSPLY SIRONA Inc (NASDAQ:XRAY) reached all time high today, Mar, 11 and still has $104.91 target or 65.00% above today’s $63.58 share price. This indicates more upside for the $15.45B company. This technical setup was reported by If the $104.91 PT is reached, the company will be worth $10.04B more. Trading stocks at an all time highs is usually a winning strategy. An all time high points to a stock which has the most positive fundamentals ever. Even thought the pullback rate is high, if correct risk management is utilized, investors can trade very well such events. The stock is up 1.83% or $1.14 after the news, hitting $63.58 per share. About 1.13M shares traded hands. DENTSPLY SIRONA Inc (NASDAQ:XRAY) has risen 10.63% since August 5, 2015 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 15.88% the S&P500.

Analysts await DENTSPLY SIRONA Inc (NASDAQ:XRAY) to reports earnings on May, 4. They expect $0.62 EPS, up 5.08% or $0.03 from last year’s $0.59 per share. XRAY’s profit will be $150.66 million for 25.64 P/E if the $0.62 EPS becomes reality. After $0.65 actual EPS reported by DENTSPLY SIRONA Inc for the previous quarter, Wall Street now forecasts -4.62% negative EPS growth.

Out of 6 analysts covering Dentsply International (NASDAQ:XRAY), 7 rate it “Buy”, 1 “Sell”, while 4 “Hold”. This means 58% are positive. Dentsply International was the topic in 12 analyst reports since August 3, 2015 according to StockzIntelligence Inc.

According to Zacks Investment Research, “DENTSPLY International Inc. designs, develops, manufactures and markets products in two principal categories: dental consumable and laboratory products, and dental equipment. Dental consumable and laboratory products include dental prosthetics, endodontic instruments and materials, impression materials, restorative materials, crown and bridge materials, prophylaxis paste, dental sealants, cutting instruments, dental needles, dental anesthetics, and orthodontic appliances.”

The institutional sentiment increased to 1.22 in 2015 Q3. Its up 0.43, from 0.79 in 2015Q2. The ratio increased, as 21 funds sold all DENTSPLY SIRONA Inc shares owned while 136 reduced positions. 47 funds bought stakes while 144 increased positions. They now own 137.53 million shares or 10.63% more from 124.32 million shares in 2015Q2.

Gavekal Capital Llc holds 4.64% of its portfolio in DENTSPLY SIRONA Inc for 241,776 shares. America First Investment Advisors Llc owns 170,630 shares or 4.05% of their US portfolio. Moreover, Stone Run Capital Llc has 3.53% invested in the company for 87,865 shares. The Colorado-based Independence Capital Asset Partners Llc has invested 3.18% in the stock. Reilly Herbert Faulkner Iii, a New York-based fund reported 62,330 shares.

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