Aerohive Networks Incorporated (NYSE:HIVE) Sellers Covered 8.74% of Their Shorts

The stock of Aerohive Networks Incorporated (NYSE:HIVE) registered a decrease of 8.74% in short interest. HIVE’s total short interest was 1.76M shares in March as published by FINRA. Its down 8.74% from 1.93M shares, reported previously. With 141,400 shares average volume, it will take short sellers 13 days to cover their HIVE’s short positions. The short interest to Aerohive Networks Incorporated’s float is 7.41%. The stock decreased 1.97% or $0.1 during the last trading session, hitting $4.98. About 230,793 shares traded hands or 54.25% up from the average. Aerohive Networks Inc (NYSE:HIVE) has declined 31.87% since July 29, 2015 and is downtrending. It has underperformed by 26.77% the S&P500.

Aerohive Networks, Inc. together with its subsidiaries has designed and developed a cloud-managed mobile networking platform that enables enterprises to deploy a mobile-centric network edge. The company has a market cap of $234.42 million. The Company’s hardware products are managed by the Company’s Cloud Services Platform, which delivers cloud-managed network management and mobility applications giving end clients a single unified and contextual view of the entire network edge. It currently has negative earnings. The Firm conducts its business in three geographic regions: Americas; Europe, the Middle East and Africa , and Asia Pacific (APAC).

The institutional sentiment decreased to 1.15 in Q3 2015. Its down 1.61, from 2.76 in 2015Q2. The ratio dropped, as 8 funds sold all Aerohive Networks Inc shares owned while 18 reduced positions. 7 funds bought stakes while 23 increased positions. They now own 22.58 million shares or 30.69% more from 17.28 million shares in 2015Q2.

Murphy Michael R holds 7.64% of its portfolio in Aerohive Networks Inc for 3.72 million shares. Institutional Venture Management Xiii Llc owns 1.11 million shares or 4.81% of their US portfolio. Moreover, Nea Management Company Llc has 1.84% invested in the company for 4.68 million shares. The Maryland-based Lg Capital Management Lp has invested 1.37% in the stock. Granahan Investment Management Inc Ma, a Massachusetts-based fund reported 1.29 million shares.

Since April 17, 2015, the stock had 1 insider buy, and 3 sales for $34,703 net activity. Liu Changming sold 3,000 shares worth $19,522. Flynn David K. bought 3,728 shares worth $22,959.

Out of 9 analysts covering Aerohive Networks (NYSE:HIVE), 5 rate it “Buy”, 1 “Sell”, while 4 “Hold”. This means 50% are positive. Aerohive Networks was the topic in 6 analyst reports since August 6, 2015 according to StockzIntelligence Inc.

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